There are a few points among issues related to the army, but at first sight not the process of the adoption of the Nation-Army concept that, from propaganda perspective, served the purpose of instilling the central provisions of the concept, namely: “The army is that of ordinary citizens” and “There is a connection between the army and the people, dictated by the imperative for security”. This line is vividly expressed in, for example, each of the 12 pieces of “Life on the Border” program series. Every piece was devoted to one settlement, and three kinds of characters had a possibility to present their routine life in it: ordinary citizens, the soldiers and officers of armed forces units located in that area, and the clergy serving in those military units. The boradcasts of the “At the Posts” program series in our monitoring period also indicate the extent to which the furnishing and the infrastructure have improved along the contact line. On the one hand, this is a program series that draws the features of military servicemen exclusively, on the other, it is first-hand feedback on the objections to the Nation-Army voiced by the military from sites. For example, against the background of heated debates on the right to deferral the “At the Posts” program series asked soldiers questions on whether the military service would really hinder them to continue their education in the future. Or against the background of debates on the provision/non-provision of deferral to the students at the religious seminary, religious freedoms and rights in the army, “At the Posts” asked the military the same question on whether it was mandatory for the military who were followers of congregations other than the Apostolic Church to participate in the prayers and so on.The series of stories/features about the military servicemen of different ranks currently in the army contained pathetic patriotic messages by both online media and TV.
On the whole during the adoption of the Nation-Army concept each of the so- called Nation-Army issues was perceived due to its propaganda function. For example, the information on trials for various offenses in the army and by the military servicemen which occupied a significant place throughout our study (in online media the group of these issues came the fifth, being ahead of social affairs, domestic issues, corruption, and a number of other issues that were more intensively discussed in offline parliamentary platforms) contained a message for the audience that the offenses in the army were disclosed, and the guilty were punished. The media had never before been provided with such a number of reports on offenses in the army.
Stand-alone documentary and feature films/programs and social clips (the TV series “At the Border” on Shant, the clip on the “It’s Me” program shot by the Ministry of Defense that was broadcast by all channels ahead of the winter draft) came to complement the above- mentioned examples in the case of TV stations.
The Program series “Nation – Army” broadcast exclusively by Public TV satellite would refer to different terms related to the comcept. The programs that had an average duration of 20 minutes were not about the role of the Diaspora in the military sphere or the involvement of the Diaspora for the implementation of the concept. Instead, they focused on what the Nation – Army was from the military and political, social and psychological, national ideology perspectives, from the viewpoint of the further developments of the Karabakh conflict and a number of other angles. The Pan-Armenian Geographical Association presented this program series jointly with the Ministry of Defense.
The circulation of clips that had no relation with the army by their content, however, also contributed to the appearance of more people in military uniforms on TV. For example, one of the “Clean Armenia” social adverstisements with calls for keeping the environment clean prepared within a project funded by the RA Government.